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Athelstone Community Workshop
Corner of Maryvale and Gorge Roads
Athelstone, SA 5076

Rotary Club of Morialta's Community Workshop brings people together to share their skills in craft and woodworking in a social environment. Members attend the Workshop to work on their own woodwork projects or to assist with repair and construction projects for the community… although we think they may just come to hear the whistle blow for morning and afternoon tea, or the monthly BBQ lunch!

The Community Workshop offers a repair service to community members and is available to help community groups to design and construct bespoke timber products (think street libraries, cubby houses, signs, tables and more!).

This is a major community services project of the Club. Let’s celebrate it’s ongoing success as we being a new year. Meet the workshop members and understand what a difference it makes in their lives. See what the members do at the workshop.  You never know you might want to join it and undertake a project of your own, or just be a part of their great group of people.

The Community Workshop is located in Athelstone, behind the Athelstone Community Hall, Cnr Maryvale and Gorge Road.

 Date:                Wednesday, 22nd January 2025

Time:                 Meet at 6.00pm.  Pizza distribution 6.30pm

Dinner:              Pizza from Da Marios Pizzeria

Drinks:              BYO drinks

Cost:                 Adults $10.00/pp; Children 3-10 years $5.00pp - Family and friends welcome

Payment:         At the workshop or Kiosk via EFTPOS or directly to the club account BSB 105 146 Account 549 255 340 ref: workshop pizza

RSVP:                to Rosemary on 0426 507 075 or email with numbers and payment method